Dr Amanda is from the UK and lives in Portugal and travels the world running courses in New Zealand, Australia and the UK. She has over 30 years of experience in Human Development and Coaching and continues to learn and grow. She worked in the corporate world for 16 years, working with the Estée Lauder group, starting her career on the counter and finally becoming the Clinique Director of Education for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, based in London.
Amanda’s mission is to empower people to live passionately. Her keynotes focus on mental resilience and mental well being in the face of adversity. We only get one life, it’s happening right now and not always the way we want it. So when s#!t gets real, Amanda has the tools and life experience to help you get out of it, no matter how deep it is.
Why not have someone that has lived through the hard lessons in life and come out the other side stronger than ever?
Do you want someone that will keep you engaged, has high energy, is captivating, will challenge your view of yourself and your view of the world whilst all the time tailoring her time with you to best achieve your desired goals?
Amanda is widely respected and is frequently asked to return due to her ability in sharing real business and life solutions.
Dr. Amanda's Show Reel
As seen on

Neural Coding
Why are some people able to adapt easily to new habits, while others never manage to make changes in their lives, no matter how determined they are?
It’s your mindset that makes all the difference.
Changing your bad habits, behaviour or beliefs can be as easy as deleting an app on your phone. Your neurology can be recoded quickly and easily using neural coding, which has been changing lives for decades.
Available on

Knowing You
Many people spend a lifetime waiting for something to happen to them before their life can be changed. Winning the lottery; getting a better job; starting a new relationship; moving house; making more money; being in better health etc, yet it never happens.
Humans are at the mercy of what-ever comes their way, and they often blame those things for their circumstances. This leads to a blame mentality.
In Knowing You, Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland reveals how external elements cannot make life better and that it is in fact, when and how people take control of their lives, change course and become their own navigators that things actually start to change for them.
Available on

This is it! It's Your Life Live it
Have you read lots of books but nothing has quite managed to get you there? ‘This is It’ will help you to see things clearer, allow you to know what needs to change and give you the tools to change your life.
Read about Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland’s journey through life and how NLP helped her to grow personally, professionally and pretty much all ways possible. She shares examples from her personal life and will teach you with fast and effective Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP) techniques how to achieve the things you have been striving for.
Available on

Ted Talk
Amanda has done a TedX talk, currently at over a million views, only 9 minutes long and a tool we can guarantee you will use before you lay your head to rest tonight.
TV Interview
Speak Up for Amazon
Prime Video USA
Dream Teams
Belief Change
BBC Radio
BBC Radio Scotland
BBC Radio

Get in Touch with me

“Amanda is an extraordinary presenter, an English lady from Yorkshire with the most wonderful accent! She is down to earth, authentic, funny, engaging and so passionate about what she does."

“ Amanda is an exceptionally talented presenter, she has a depth of experience and extensive knowledge but it’s a sparkle in her eye and the confident passion she delivers is so rare and so compelling..”

“Amanda and her team are masters of belief change. They help us identify and then replace the false truths that hold us back. It’s painless, it’s straight forward, and it's effective.”

“Amanda will make sure you feel safe and comfortable. You will leave feeling inspired, motivated and excited for your future.”

"We are always on the hunt for powerful and engaging personal and professional development opportunities for our team. And WOW, did Amanda deliver on all fronts."

" Amanda delivered one of the most impactful keynotes I have attended, she brings the best to everybody she touches, thank you."

“Amanda is an outstanding communicator and her ability to clearly walk everyone through Neural Coding® Mind Hacks to find my old beliefs that no longer served me and upload new beliefs. What a mind blowing experience..”

“ Amanda is not only a very talented presenter, she’s also a model for success who leaves people with a feeling that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.”

“ I wish to thank you Amanda personally for your presentation to our staff in Ireland. The increased sales performance is largely due to your professionalism as a communicator and speaker”
We’d love to hear from you.
To find out Amanda’s availability, please fill in the form with the dates you want her to speak, location online or offline, length of the talk to be, also if you know your budget please add that in.
You can contact us directly with the details below.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch – We look forward to hearing from you.